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MemberHaven Homeowners Insurance

OKCU partners with MemberHaven to serve our members' home insurance needs. MemberHaven is an independent insurance agency owned by multiple Oklahoma credit unions. 

A Better Way to Do Home Insurance


Learn how MemberHaven can help you through the homeowners insurance process.

Save time

When you request a quote, you will receive a call within 24 hours from a Personal Insurance Shopper

Avoid confusing claims

Claims can be confusing. Connect with a MemberHaven Claims Counselor to discuss your options.

Experience local

MemberHaven* is owned by your credit union, so you’ll be working with a local insurance agency. When you call, a person always answers the phone, not a robot.

More than Just Home Insurance

MemberHaven offers auto insurance and recreational vehicle insurance! Whether you need to insure your car, mobile home or anything in between, MemberHaven can help.

Happy to Help

OKCU did a flawless job on our home loan. They walked us through every step of the process and made sure we had everything we needed to close promptly and without a hiccup.
OKCU has helped me keep everything going smoothly with my mortgage. OKCU just makes my life easier.
Absolutely wonderful experience with my loan. Competitive rate, complete transparency, availability to answer questions, no pressure tactics.
When my husband and I first arrived in America, we were filled with hope and ambition, but our financial situation was far from ideal. With a zero credit score, our dreams of owning a home felt out of reach. With OKCU's support, we were able to purchase our first home—a place where we could start our small family and build a future together. They didn't just help us buy a house; they helped us turn our dreams into reality.
I had a home mortgage with seven years left on a 15-year mortgage. My husband and I decided to make an appointment with OKCU to discuss refinancing to a 5-year loan. Once my husband and I were in the office doing the paperwork, he asked "Why would you want to save us money?" The mortgage officer responded, "Because we are here to help you save money. That's what we do!" Since then, we have refinanced and paid off our home.
OKCU reached out and helped me refinance my home during the pandemic. I was able to save money on my monthly mortgage payment and reduce my interest rate by a lot. Everyone I have interacted with at OKCU has gone above and beyond to help with all of my needs.
0 Days
Average Closing Time
0 Years
OKCU Real Estate Team Experience

MemberHaven LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CU Service Centers, Inc. (CUSC), a credit union service organization owned by 17 Oklahoma-based credit unions. The insurance products offered by MemberHaven are not offered by, guaranteed by or obligations of any credit union. The insurance products offered by MemberHaven are not guaranteed by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). CUSC is not an insurance agency or insurance company; nor is it licensed to sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance products or to provide advice regarding insurance products offered by MemberHaven.